Thursday, December 14, 2006

life... people...& happiness

surrounded by a million ppl,

in world of hate and lies,

i live my life in loneliness,

believin i'll be wise..

but still dreams but of happiness

always linger in my eyes

-i guess its born of those people

who bind me with their ties.

-Puhkaraj Shirke


  1. wah wah :P awww sweeto writing poems n all ;)

  2. Ties make and ties break...
    they hold and they split

    The lies are illusions
    so are the truths....

    What is real
    is what is false

    Friends are foes
    and hate is another word for love

    Its all about the perspective.

    That wasn't as much a comment as a few lines that your poem inspired me to write....(My poems don't rhyme don't wonder why the above lines don't rhyme..its is still a poem even if it does not rhyme!!!)


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