Friday, July 20, 2007

Triumph and the Pain

This piece comes from an old broken part of my life that made me wake up in the middle of the night and make what i then called- TRIUMPH AND THE PAIN

This is one artwork that is way too close to my heart
(it is an improvisation of a perfume campaign photography)
and it is one painting of mine that i will never sell.

coz no matter where i get in life someday this always reminds me what life is really worth - what it is in life that holds purpose - what is it that keeps me going -
this artwork is my own little answer for all my questions of my little mortal life.


It is worth the agony,
It is worth the pain,
Worth all the moments
that drove me insane.

Worth all the wounds
felt deep in my heart,
worth all the tortures
that almost tore me apart.

This one moment of ecstasy,
Of winning against all odds,
I’m still weary of the wounds
But feel blessed by the Gods.

Standing up for what I believe in
And finding victory to my name;
This one moment of triumph,
Makes it worth all the pain.

This one moment of triumph,
Makes it worth all the pain.

-Pushkaraj Shirke


  1. Awesome poem....fantastic concept...beautiful sketching...
    ur poem....has expressed the reality....hardwork always pays....

    fanatastic job done!!!

  2. yeah i know.. seen on your board.. it always was the centre piece.. more so because it spoke of who YOU are.. more so because we began knowing YOU.. when we began understanding that this art is YOU..

    cheers mate..

  3. the pic he claims to be his is a copy ppl.

  4. "This is one artwork that is way too close to my heart
    (it is an improvisation of a perfume campaign photography)"

    anonymous, looks like u didnt read what i had written below-
    i have clearly stated that the painting is an improvisation of a photographic work from a perfume ad.

    'READ' before you comment.

  5. kajal on paper!!
    pretty impressive!Kudos!

  6. thank you :)
    im always using alternative mediums :) like it that way :)


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