On one hand you have the crappy commercials recently created by JAGUAR India - utterly distasteful, lowering an amazing brand to the level of a bollywood celebrity, shot distastefully, with crappy music and un-awe-inspiring direction. And then, on the other hand, you have sheer magnificience - an idea broght to life in visuals, sound and emotion evoking incredibulosity by BMW.
Have a look at the BMW i-8 commercials and you will know eactly what an incredible car commercial looks like in every term.
Now that you have seen awesomeness, i also insist you see why the JAGUAR india commericals were so piss poor in my view. See for yourself.
This is the version without kareena kapoor, the bollywood 'star'. yet it looks more like an ad for a mall rather than for a luxury car. except for the final frame, which is the saving grace of this commercial:
and this is the commercial with the 'star':
Guys, please remember, if your CAR is A BRAND IN ITSELF, it is the real STAR of your commercial. Dont degrade yourself by piggybacking on a smaller 'star'.
Pushkaraj S Shirke